拼音 | wàn | 音注 | ㄨㄢˋ |
偏旁 | 十 | ||
总笔画数 | 4 | 部外笔画数 | 2 |
五笔码 | NHGH | 仓颉码 | NX |
郑码 | YIAI | 电码 | 0591 |
四角 | 12217 | Unicode | 534D |
区位码 | 笔顺 | 5212 | |
英语 | swastika,one of the auspicious signs recognized (eg in Chinese Tathagata Buddhism) as being on the chest of Buddha (and variously seen in statuary on the chest,soles of the feet,or palms of the hands) | 英汉互译 |
《子集下》《十字部》 ·卍 ·康熙筆画:6 ·部外筆画:4